Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Nathan and his tonsils

This story begins in October. Nathan was exposed to a veritable mass of germs, and his little body did everything it could to fight off the multiple (yes, the doctors said multiple) viruses. After two lengthy episodes of a fever around 103, we went to see the ear, nose and throat guy ( we now have an otolaryngologist to add to our list of medical specialists where we are active patients) who treated Nathan's symptoms. We thought we were home free, until that day in December when Nathan awoke with yet another fever. We called our ENT (Dr. Hanks), and he gave us the option of a tonsillectomy. We decided that the germs were too persistent and so we opted for the surgery.

Being brave as he arrives at the hospital

Nathan was brave as he and Daddy left for the hospital at 5:45 a.m. He had to wear crazy pajamas, and he did not like them at all. He did get to keep his Santa socks though. He also hated his IV. He had to breathe into a balloon, but before he could blow it up, they moved him into another room where he just wanted to find his Daddy! (Things did happen between the balloon and the reunion, but Nathan can't seem to remember what they are.)
Hating the crazy pjs, but distracted by early morning PBS Kids programming and another bear to add to his hospital bear collection

After the first of many servings of chocolate pudding, they finally took out his IV and gave him a wagon ride to the front door--his favorite part of the ordeal.

Nothing like a game of Angry Birds to calm yourself down until the IV is removed :-)

His recovery was typical, and we was usually really good about taking his medicine. He even cried the first night that we didn't have to wake him up to keep him medicated through the night. He missed his middle of the night chocolate pudding dates with Dad.

Happy to be Home! Let the chocolate ice cream diet commence!

We are happy to report that he has been sore throat and fever free for the longest stretch of time since October. Nathan is back to his happy self, back in school and back to church, and we are grateful! Love you Nater!


Mel said...

What a trooper. Glad he is feeling better now.