Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Introducing Olivia Elizabeth Farmer

It was a difficult journey, but the final outcome was worth it. Olivia Elizabeth was born January 20, 2011 at 2:35 p.m just a mere 12 hours after we arrived at the hospital for her birthday party. She came 10 days early, weighed 6 lbs. 8 oz and was 19.25 inches long.

I am happy to report that my body's bizarre aversion to sugar and all foods that taste good has left, and I have enjoyed several (probably several too many) bowls of Death by Chocolate ice cream (Thanks Mom and Dad!) I am feeling much better, and things are starting to resemble a routine around here--crazed as it may be. :-)

A special thanks to everyone that helped when we were at the hospital--especially Grandpa for answering the phone at 12:30 a.m. and helping the kids get to school. Thanks also to everyone who brought fun gifts and fun foods. We have been very blessed.

Now to what everyone really came here to see-pics of the baby--

Olivia just moments after her initial check up
The gang came to visit us at the hospital where we enjoyed a Friday night dinner and Dumbo--that stork connection you see. :-)

Saturday morning Olivia and I were ready to come home!
The brothers covering their ears because Olivia's crying was too loud. The boys have been very protective of their little sister. One time, Nathan even told the nurse to be quiet because his baby sister was sleeping. Andrew always wants to see "Baby Livia."

Nathan showing off his big brother muscles.

Abbie is only a LITTLE excited to have a sister--even if she now has to share the title of Princess of Capstone Drive.
In the car seat and ready to head home

By Sunday, Abbie was feeling brave enough to hold Olivia.

Nathan of course had to have to a turn, too. He is very attentive to his sister. He knows the rule about having to wash your hands before you touch her. Yesterday, he said he wanted to touch her so he would get sauce (aka hand sanitizer at our house). He left for a few minutes and then came back saying, " Now, I can touch Olivia. I have been sauced."

Andrew loving his Baby Livia. He tells everyone that Baby Livia is sleeping and that she is cute. He loves his baby sister.

Olivia is a good baby. She is happiest when asleep (but really, aren't we all?). She gets lots of loves from her siblings. She fits right into the family, and it's hard to remember what life was like when she wasn't here. Welcome to Earth, Olivia!


Mel said...

Congratulations again! She is so sweet. It's great that your other kids love her so much. And you, I must say, look great! I only hope to look that great in the hospital and in real clothes too! You are my hero!

Jon and Heidi said...

Sara you are such an inspiration to me. When I see you handling four I think I can too. Seeing Olivia makes me so excited for our next one on the way. Olivia is beautiful.