Thursday, April 15, 2010

Basement update

So our basement is moving along.   We've had stress and triumphs, stress, and more stress, but look I have hung and textured sheetrock which lead to a.....painted bathroom!   We're getting close.   I am past being ready to be done, but we're almost there.   By the end of the week, I should have doors (maybe even hung), trim work done, a working sink, tub, and toilet.   Nathan will be pleased.   I took him down to see the progress, and when I showed him the bathroom, he said, "This isn't a good bathroom.  It doesn't have a toilet.  Where's my playroom?"

I like my green bathroom, and the playroom will be yellow.   Nathan has been practicing and practicing saying his yel-low with a strong 'l' so he can tell people all about his playroom.  

Boy, I'll be glad when we can play in the biggest toy room you've ever seen.   Anybody want to come to a painting party?


Mike Grace said...

That is looking soo good! I'm really excited to see the finished results. Good for you guys for putting in the effort to finish that basement and enjoy it while you have it.