Saturday, August 01, 2009

My boys

Andrew and Nathan had their doctor check ups this week, and I was really curious about the difference in their weights. Andrew is a chubby baby and Nathan is a skinny little boy. Turns out that with Nathan fully dressed and Andrew in only a diaper the difference is about 6 pounds. Naters comes in at 27 lbs while Andrew is a whopping 21 and some change. The doctor gave them both a thumbs up and said they are really great kids--this I already knew. :-)

A few weeks ago, we switched the kids in the bedrooms in order to separate Abbie and Nathan at bedtime. Andrew and Nathan now play peek-a-boo until they are both laughing so hard they can hardly breathe. They love to play together and are quickly becoming the best of friends.

Nathan has made some great progress with his speech this week despite having to miss our appointment with his therapist due to the coughs. He's starting placing the sounds on his own. We are both excited to tell Debra on Monday.Andrew is getting mighty tricky, too. He's started to climb up on the side of the sofa and in his crib. He loves to rock back and forth and really shake things up. Nathan has taught him to show off his muscles which makes them both laugh.

They are great kids. I love my boys. I am one proud mama.