Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Adventures in home ownership

The boys and I went for a walk yesterday, and upon our return I noticed this:

Uh...yeah. You are right. The power box is usually attached to the house not leaning against it. When Michael got home from work, we called the power company. They sent out a repair guy (who was fabulous). We were supposed to get an electrician to come and reattach it to the house, but the power company would have to cut the power to the house and then come back after the box was reattached. This would mean hours upon hours without power. Uh...I am a 21st Century girl. I like electricity and so do my kids and my fridge and my freezer.

The ubernice repairman suggested that we (I mean Michael) could reattach it. He would walk us through the steps but he couldn't do the actual work. Fortunately, we were able to contact our wonderful home teacher who happens who work for a cabinet shop and has a box about 2 feet square full of screws. Michael was able to reattach our power box and power was restore to the little house.

When the ground under the power box settled, it pulled the wires and the support down, too thus pulling the box off the side of the house. It was a crazy adventure in home ownership, but thanks to good friends it was easily tackled.


Mike Grace said...

That's crazy! Thank goodness for nice people. : )