Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Hurray! School is out! Michael graduated from BYU-Idaho! The graduation banquet and convocation were on Dec. 18 while the commencement was Dec. 19. It was a wonderful weekend. Thanks to everyone who supported us, and a special thank you to Grandpa Hales who watched the kids and helped out with the big surprise. The pictures tell the story best....

First Day of School--eager to start the long road ahead

The graduate--scores of credits later but so much wiser
The graduate and the happy wife
Elder Richard G. Scott was the Commencement speaker
With a lot of help from Grandpa Hales, the kids were able to come up to the university and surprise Daddy after commencement Saturday morning, and he was very surprised and very happy to see them.
Two of my boys

We are happy family (with a little photoshop help, we'll soon be a happy family who all look in the same direction :-)
After it was all over, the kids wanted to try on Daddy's funny hat to see what all the fuss was about.
It's scary to think how soon it'll be their turn. :-)
Congratulations Michael! We are proud of you. It was a lot of work for everyone, and we are proud that you accomplished this great goal that will benefit our entire family. Thank you for your example to our children.

Other events during our collegiate tenure--
  • Three adorable children
  • Graduation from UVSC with an associates degree in business
  • Two job changes
  • Two changes of address
  • Moved to a new state
  • Acquired a mortgage
  • Three different laptops
  • Abbie started school and shared homework time with Daddy
  • No student loans!
  • Two majors
  • One happy family ready for more time with Daddy